For the majority of the last year, I interned at Clark County Food Bank in Vancouver, Washington; one of my coworkers, Cleome, wrote a cute fruit alphabet for her future preschool-aged students since she was a nutrition educator. She asked if I’d be interested in making illustrations to go with the words- very much so! I loved drawing for the book, I had to look up pictures of kids in different positions to use as references for Quin in his adventures of trying new fruits! Funny story: this wasn’t funny or fun at the time, but when I was roughly 3/4s done with the drawings, something happened in Illustrator and half of the brushstrokes in the drawings disappeared…example can be viewed below. I was shocked upon discovery of this and weighed both options of how to proceed. I could either redo all the drawings even though most of them were already completed or painstakingly repaint all the white areas within the images. Neither was particularly ideal. Ultimately I decided to refill the drawings and believe me, it took longer than one would expect! But it was worth it and I’m excited for future readers to learn about the diversity of the fruit world!