This film teaches the power of Christ-like love for others and not making assumptions about people based off stereotypes. Society likes to put people in a box, sticking labels on individuals that may have similar interests to these stereotypes but in truth everyone is their own individual person.

The word animation means “full of life” and that is the key behind the transformation of some characters in this movie- the film plays on the idea of stop-motion with the usage of live-action frames taken from footage. The characters represented as real-life people symbolize that they have temporarily lost their vigor and are not portrayed as freely interactive or essentially, alive. Yet when Ellie and Caleb encourage them to embrace their uniqueness, their masks of shame snap off and they become their true selves, animated and spirited.

*Fun Fact: This was my project for my summer Video & Animation class in 2016 and my computer decided to crash/erase all my files in the middle of the course! Thankfully Apple was able to save most of the project but we did have to reshoot some scenes. Definitely could have been worse though!

Thank you to my alma mater Metro Christian Academy for giving me a setting for this film and to my amazing friends that donned costumes and gave voiceover to these characters.